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//! Error returned from get operations
use iroh::endpoint;
use crate::util::progress::ProgressSendError;
/// Failures for a get operation
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum GetError {
/// Hash not found.
#[error("Hash not found")]
NotFound(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// Remote has reset the connection.
#[error("Remote has reset the connection")]
RemoteReset(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// Remote behaved in a non-compliant way.
#[error("Remote behaved in a non-compliant way")]
NoncompliantNode(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// Network or IO operation failed.
#[error("A network or IO operation failed")]
Io(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// Our download request is invalid.
#[error("Our download request is invalid")]
BadRequest(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// Operation failed on the local node.
#[error("Operation failed on the local node")]
LocalFailure(#[source] anyhow::Error),
impl From<ProgressSendError> for GetError {
fn from(value: ProgressSendError) -> Self {
impl From<endpoint::ConnectionError> for GetError {
fn from(value: endpoint::ConnectionError) -> Self {
// explicit match just to be sure we are taking everything into account
use endpoint::ConnectionError;
match value {
e @ ConnectionError::VersionMismatch => {
// > The peer doesn't implement any supported version
// unsupported version is likely a long time error, so this peer is not usable
e @ ConnectionError::TransportError(_) => {
// > The peer violated the QUIC specification as understood by this implementation
// bad peer we don't want to keep around
e @ ConnectionError::ConnectionClosed(_) => {
// > The peer's QUIC stack aborted the connection automatically
// peer might be disconnecting or otherwise unavailable, drop it
e @ ConnectionError::ApplicationClosed(_) => {
// > The peer closed the connection
// peer might be disconnecting or otherwise unavailable, drop it
e @ ConnectionError::Reset => {
// > The peer is unable to continue processing this connection, usually due to having restarted
e @ ConnectionError::TimedOut => {
// > Communication with the peer has lapsed for longer than the negotiated idle timeout
e @ ConnectionError::LocallyClosed => {
// > The local application closed the connection
// TODO(@divma): don't see how this is reachable but let's just not use the peer
e @ quinn::ConnectionError::CidsExhausted => {
// > The connection could not be created because not enough of the CID space
// > is available
impl From<endpoint::ReadError> for GetError {
fn from(value: endpoint::ReadError) -> Self {
use endpoint::ReadError;
match value {
e @ ReadError::Reset(_) => GetError::RemoteReset(e.into()),
ReadError::ConnectionLost(conn_error) => conn_error.into(),
| ReadError::IllegalOrderedRead
| ReadError::ZeroRttRejected => {
// all these errors indicate the peer is not usable at this moment
impl From<quinn::ClosedStream> for GetError {
fn from(value: quinn::ClosedStream) -> Self {
impl From<endpoint::WriteError> for GetError {
fn from(value: endpoint::WriteError) -> Self {
use endpoint::WriteError;
match value {
e @ WriteError::Stopped(_) => GetError::RemoteReset(e.into()),
WriteError::ConnectionLost(conn_error) => conn_error.into(),
WriteError::ClosedStream | WriteError::ZeroRttRejected => {
// all these errors indicate the peer is not usable at this moment
impl From<crate::get::fsm::ConnectedNextError> for GetError {
fn from(value: crate::get::fsm::ConnectedNextError) -> Self {
use crate::get::fsm::ConnectedNextError::*;
match value {
e @ PostcardSer(_) => {
// serialization errors indicate something wrong with the request itself
e @ RequestTooBig => {
// request will never be sent, drop it
Write(e) => e.into(),
Closed(e) => e.into(),
e @ Io(_) => {
// io errors are likely recoverable
impl From<crate::get::fsm::AtBlobHeaderNextError> for GetError {
fn from(value: crate::get::fsm::AtBlobHeaderNextError) -> Self {
use crate::get::fsm::AtBlobHeaderNextError::*;
match value {
e @ NotFound => {
// > This indicates that the provider does not have the requested data.
// peer might have the data later, simply retry it
Read(e) => e.into(),
e @ Io(_) => {
// io errors are likely recoverable
impl From<crate::get::fsm::DecodeError> for GetError {
fn from(value: crate::get::fsm::DecodeError) -> Self {
use crate::get::fsm::DecodeError::*;
match value {
e @ NotFound => GetError::NotFound(e.into()),
e @ ParentNotFound(_) => GetError::NotFound(e.into()),
e @ LeafNotFound(_) => GetError::NotFound(e.into()),
e @ ParentHashMismatch(_) => {
// TODO(@divma): did the peer sent wrong data? is it corrupted? did we sent a wrong
// request?
e @ LeafHashMismatch(_) => {
// TODO(@divma): did the peer sent wrong data? is it corrupted? did we sent a wrong
// request?
Read(e) => e.into(),
Io(e) => e.into(),
impl From<std::io::Error> for GetError {
fn from(value: std::io::Error) -> Self {
// generally consider io errors recoverable
// we might want to revisit this at some point